Archive | January, 2011

Savory Chicken Stew

It’s a perfect warm treat when upon returning from a ski run (falling down the bunny slope in my case).  Thank you to Sophia Aladenoye for making the soup request!  Keep them coming! Also, take notice of the extra thumb pictured on the 5th slide.  That’s my hubby, Axel making his cameo appearance. Haha! Featured on […]

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Heart Healthy Apple, Mango, Guava Crisp

This dish was inspired Rachel Ufer, who loves apple crisps so of course, I added a Latin twist.  Many of my dishes come from everyday conversation with people I speak to so feel free to make a suggestion of something you would like to see.  Enjoy! The pectin in apples lowers LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. People who eat two […]

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